David Lampton

Jul 08 , 2019

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David Lampton – Oksenberg- Rohlen Fellow, Stanford University

David M. Lampton is Oksenberg-Rohlen Fellow at Stanford University’s Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) and Hyman Professor and Director of China Studies Emeritus at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Having started his academic career at The Ohio State University, Lampton is former Chairman of the The Asia Foundation, former president of the National Committee on United States-China Relations, and former Dean of Faculty at SAIS.

Among his other works, he is the author of: Same Bed, Different Dreams: Managing U.S.-China Relations, 1989-2000 (2001); The Three Faces of Chinese Power: Might, Money, and Minds (2008); and, The Making of Chinese Foreign and Security Policy (editor, Stanford University Press, 2001). He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University where, as an undergraduate student, he was a firefighter. Lampton has an honorary doctorate from the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Far Eastern Studies. His newest book, Following the Leader: Ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping, initially was published in January 2014 and was issued in a second edition with a new Preface in 2019. His current field research focuses on Beijing’s effort to build high-speed and other rail lines to Singapore from South China and involves interview and field research in eight countries. The underlying issue is how to conceive of Chinese power.

大衛·蘭普頓 — 斯坦福大學奧克森伯格-勒倫學者

大衛·蘭普頓是斯坦福大學亞太研究中心奧克森伯格-勒倫學者,也是約翰斯·霍普金斯大學榮休教授,前海曼教授、高級國際問題研究院中國研究項目主任。蘭普頓的學術研究生涯始於俄亥俄州立大學,並曾擔任亞洲基金會主席、美中關係全國委員會主席、高級國際問題研究院院長。他的著作包括:《同床異夢:管理美中關係,1989-2000》(Same Bed, Different Dreams: Managing U.S.-China Relations, 1989-2000)(2001)、《中國實力的三張面孔:軍力、財力、智力》(The Three Faces of Chinese Power: Might, Money, and Minds)(2008),他還主編了《中國外交和安全政策的形成》(The Making of Chinese Foreign and Security Policy)(斯坦福大學,2001年)。他在斯坦福大學獲得學士、碩士和博士學位,在本科期間他還擔任大學消防員。蘭普頓還獲得俄羅斯科學院遠東研究所榮譽博士學位。他的最新著作《追隨領袖:統治中國,從鄧小平到習近平》(Following the Leader: Ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping)最初出版於2014年1月,加入全新序言的第二版於2019年出版。他目前的研究聚焦於北京修建從南部中國直通新加坡的高速鐵路和其他鐵路線的努力,他為此在8個國家進行採訪和實地調研。這其中的根本問題在於,如何看待中國的實力。