Jeff Moseley

Jul 08 , 2019

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Jeff Moseley -- Chief Executive Officer, the Texas Association of Business

Jeff Moseley has four decades of public and private sector experience, particularly in the transportation industry and economic development. Currently, he serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Texas Association of Business, the largest business association in Texas, the most influential voice for public policy issues affecting business not just in Texas, but nationally and internationally too.

Most recently, he served as state Vice President of Government Affairs for Texas Central Partners LLC, a private company developing a new high-speed rail system between Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth.

Before that, Moseley was appointed by former Texas Governor Rick Perry ® to the five-member Texas Transportation Commission, which oversees the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDot) and a $12 billion annual budget.

Previously, Moseley was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Houston Partnership (GHP), the primary business organization for the 11-county Houston region. Under his leadership, the GHP gained national recognition as a center for economic development and became the largest chamber of commerce in the Lone Star State.

Moseley was also Chief Executive Officer of the Office for Economic Development and Tourism for the state of Texas and served as the Executive Director of the Texas Department of Economic Development (formerly the Texas Department of Commerce) under Governor Bush. While serving as Executive Director, Moseley reestablished formal trade missions to Mexico with an emphasis on oil and gas.

Moseley was elected to county office and served as Denton County Judge and Justice of the Peace before joining the Governor’s office. He was elected to three terms as County Judge and managed to reduce the ad valorem tax rate while piloting one of the fastest growing counties in the nation. As a County Judge he also founded North America's Superhighway Coalition (NASCO), an advocacy group for a safer, wider, cleaner, stronger Interstate 35 corridor; members included rural, urban, bi-partisan elected officials from Mexico.

Moseley is a sixth generation Texan and graduate and Outstanding Alumnus of Southern Nazarene University in Oklahoma.

傑夫·莫斯利 —— 德克薩斯商業聯合會首席執行官


此前,他曾擔任過德克薩斯中央夥伴有限責任公司州政府事務副總裁(Texas Central Partners LLC),該公司是一家私營企業,負責在休斯敦與達拉斯/沃斯堡之間開發一條新的高速鐵路系統。


在這之前,莫斯利曾是大休斯頓地區合作委員會(Greater Houston Partnership,GHP)總裁和首席執行官,該委員會是休斯頓地區11個縣最主要的商業機構。在他的領導下,大休斯頓地區合作委員會作為一個經濟發展中心獲得了全國認可,並成為孤星州最大的商會組織。


莫斯利曾當選進入縣辦公室,並擔任登頓縣法官和治安法官,隨後加入州長辦公室。他曾三次當選縣法官,並成功削減了從價稅,同時見證了該縣成為全美經濟增長最快速的地區之一。作為縣法官,他還成立了北美超級高速公路聯合會(North America』s Superhighway Coalition,NASCO),呼籲推動建設更安全、更寬敞、更潔凈、更耐用的州際公路35號走廊;該聯合會成員包括來自墨西哥農村、城市、跨黨派的當選官員。

莫斯利是第六代德州人,畢業於俄克拉荷馬州的南部基督大學(Southern Nazarene University),是該校的傑出校友。