Mission Of The Study

The economic relationship between the United States and China has developed over the past few decades from virtually nonexistent to becoming a highly interdependent and mutually beneficial one. But where is this economic relationship going in the future? To answer this question, the China-United States Exchange Foundation engaged a group of eminent scholars, with advice from academic, business and political leaders from both countries, to undertake a study to examine this economic relationship. The study not only reviewed the past, but also examined some of the commercial difficulties that could impede increasing commerce between them.

But most importantly, the study looked into the future and concluded that “Both countries want to establish a pattern of secure, high-quality, sustainable growth and employment for their people, and this study demonstrates that the bilateral relationship, built and adapted well over time, can make a material contribution to that shared goal.” Indeed, over the next 10 years, significant economic opportunities and millions of jobs can be created for the peoples of the two countries if the two countries cooperate together closely. The U.S.-China relationship is not only important from a global perspective, but also from a bilateral perspective.