Ryan McElveen
Associate Director, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
Mar 02, 2021
The volatile state of U.S.-China relations has only hindered progress towards ending the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s little question that if the two countries were to join forces, a safer world would be within reach.
Oct 13, 2020
The carefully woven fabric of educational and cultural exchanges is in imminent danger of unraveling, as Chinese actions worry Washington and push it to adjust its policies. But the cost far outweighs the benefits.
Mar 10, 2020
In the wake of the novel coronavirus outbreak, China and Japan have embarked on an unexpected path of reciprocal generosity. While the deep-seated tensions across the East China Sea will not be resolved overnight, their collaboration provides a powerful lesson for other bilateral relationships that have succumbed to deep-seated hostility around the world.
Jul 17, 2014
The purge of China’s highest-ranking general to be expelled from the party affirms that Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign is the boldest and most serious that China has ever experienced, write Cheng Li and Ryan McElveen.