Dean Baker
Co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Jul 04, 2016
An outflow of capital from China, and the trade deficit it has created for rich countries and especially the United States, has led to an enormous gap in demand. The key route to reducing the trade deficit is a lower value of the dollar, which would require China to decrease its foreign reserves. As negotiations work, this would mean the United States would have to make concessions in other areas of the bilateral relationship.
Sep 14, 2012
With China’s economy slowing in recent months and the US economic recovery still sluggish, both countries have emphasized trade as a means of promoting and sustaining growth. While the possibility of economic friction between China and the US certainly exists, increasing trade does not need to be a zero sum game.
Jan 22, 2012
Year 2012 is not likely to be very different from the recent past in U.S.-Chinese economic relations. This is in part due to the political situation with Chin
Mar 07, 2011
The West is guilty of wishful thinking when it excitedly imagines people-powered revolt in the Arab world spreading to China. There is dissatisfaction in China.