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Diplomacy Starts With Education (V39)

September , 2024


Distinguished scholar Da Wei explores the importance of educating the next generation of global thinkers as people-to-people relationships take center stage.

Dialogue Builds Bridges
Dennis Wilder

Peering Past U.S. Elections
Rorry Daniels

America’s Post-Election China Policies
David Shambaugh

Diplomacy in Motion
Vuk Jeremic


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  • Saying that we need a peaceful world is one thing, how to make it happen, I think it’s another thing.
    I think we’re facing a danger that those global platforms or mechanisms will collapse.

    Da Wei

  • There has been a “through train” of China policy in virtually all policy domains with essential continuity from the Trump administration through Joe Biden’s.

    David Shambaugh

  • If it’s a problem for one side, it’s a problem for both sides.

    Rorry Daniels

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