Philip Cunningham
Independent Scholar
Feb 05, 2022
The world is setting their eyes on the Bird’s Nest for a second time. But this round, the Olympic Games are being met with a global pandemic, diplomatic boycotts, and the Russo-Ukrainian crisis.
Dec 24, 2021
China’s supporters have touted its refusal to engage in “world policing” as a benefit to its ascent to global superpower status - but now the U.S. could weaponize that very policy against them in the battle for influence and power.
Dec 20, 2021
The upcoming Winter Olympics may have been an opportunity for the U.S. to make a friendly entrance to China - instead, the official boycott by White House representatives has made it the latest of barbed exchanges between the two powerful nations.
Dec 02, 2021
Hyping the China threat only incites fear. Beware of political opportunism and profiteering when a media outlet starts banging the drums for war.
Nov 30, 2021
Though Xi Jingping’s absence from Glasgow’s COP26 summit has been roundly criticized, the virtual one-on-one summit between Xi and Joe Biden may have produced more actions of consequence, at a fraction of the cost.
Oct 26, 2021
Japan’s new prime minister is setting the diplomatic tone for his time in office. If he can steer clear of “Cold War” rhetoric and challenges from his own party, he may be able to subtly redefine Japan-China relations.
Oct 07, 2021
China’s recent achievements in space exploration are starkly contrasted with privately led efforts at the center of American aerospace development, and highlight how the two nations remain on separate tracks in the field of science.
Oct 02, 2021
While the release of Meng Wanzhou to China and Michael Spavor and Michael Korvig to Canada gives cause to celebrate, the underlying reasons that led to their detainments must be analyzed.
Sep 20, 2021
While tough-talk on both sides of the U.S.-China relationship has come to dominate reports on the topic - precedent shows that quiet accommodation behind the scenes may parallel the new administration’s anti-China rhetoric.
Aug 18, 2021
The Biden administration has not yet revoked a rollover proclamation from the Trump administration which bans students from China to enter the United States.