David Firestein
President, George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations
Sep 26, 2019
This is no ordinary time in US-China relations. While President Trump lacks consistency, predictability, factuality on many areas in the US-China relationship, there is still a major lack of reciprocity in the US-China trade relationship. Even so, there still exists a viable pathway to a US-China relationship that is mutually beneficial and politically sustainable.
Sep 01, 2016
The United States and China perceive the South China Sea issue in starkly different terms.
Nov 16, 2012
The 2012 United States presidential campaign invoked China as a proxy for all that is ostensibly wrong with the US, writes David Firestein, and unlike before, China is increasingly viewed through a domestic policy lens.
Apr 01, 2011
Military relations between the U.S. and China remain the weakest link in the overall bilateral relationship, and have been for many years. The “positive, cooperative, and comprehensive” relationship presidents Obama and Hu Jintao have committed to demands that the two militaries do better at achieving a stable relationship that can find ways to cooperate when necessary and mitigate the differences that divide them.