Brian Wong
Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Fellow at Centre on Contemporary China and the World, HKU and Rhodes Scholar
Apr 04, 2023
Recent years have seen a surge in interest in framing China’s developmental trajectory as an exceptional story attributable to the excellence of the Chinese people and its governance model. But to understand such transformations fully, we must recognize and acknowledge the role often played by Western ideals and innovation; only then, could we be seeking real truths from substantive facts.
Mar 21, 2023
The deteriorating state of Sino-American relations is causing increasing concern as both sides engage in aggressive rhetoric and actions across multiple dimensions of their relationship. Academics, corporations, investors, and citizens must prepare for the worst by scenario planning, and adjusting their mindsets to brace for a prolonged period of rivalry, while remaining on the lookout for opportunities for collaboration and bridge-building.
Mar 01, 2023
The heightened tensions between the U.S. and China are here to stay until both sides can reach common ground - which may have to begin in literal form in locations that both sides can send representatives to dialogue over critical issues.
Feb 27, 2023
Early February’s row over the Chinese balloon exposed the sorry state of affairs that is U.S.-China relations in a highly visible and alarming fashion. The fallout from the incident puts what was a period of relative calm in jeopardy, and will certainly affect exchanges in the near future for the worse.
Jan 31, 2023
It’s important to look at history when considering the current state of the China-U.S. bilateral relationship, or even the state of the world. And one legacy to look back on and learn from is that of former Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. His wisdom and magnanimity are certainly virtues that diplomats from both sides of the Pacific should appreciate more today.
Jan 19, 2023
Recent headlines have broadcasted the Gulf Cooperation Council’s new deal with China, with tens of billions of dollars. Some may see it as a signal of a coming divorce with the West, but careful analysis reveals that the GCC can balance relations to both sides.
Dec 29, 2022
The ability authors, musicians, and filmmakers have to tell stories can transcend geopolitics, but the current state of U.S.-China affairs offers almost nothing in terms of a meeting ground for the creatives of either side to exchange ideas. Repairing the cross-Pacific relationship will only get harder if big thinkers and storytellers cannot find a way to communicate.
Dec 22, 2022
Jiang Zemin led an ascendant China into the world stage through economic reforms and deft diplomatic outreach - tactics that will be hard to replicate in today’s world, but lessons nonetheless from a strategic leader.
Dec 02, 2022
Indonesia famously played host to Joe Biden and Xi Jinping’s first face-to-face meeting of Biden’s presidency; a milestone in the great power rivalry between East and West. Historically, Indonesia has also been the site of another major international summit - the Bandung Conference which produced a network of “non-aligned” states. Each of these events is a mirror of our modern times as Southeast Asia’s medium-sized powers seek to navigate a contentious climate between the U.S. and China’s competing influences.
Nov 22, 2022
Though Biden and Xi’s first face-to-face meeting since Biden’s presidential term began came with offers of civility and friendship, there remains much work to be done if the U.S.-China rivalry will be toned down within Biden’s first term.