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Commentaries by Curtis S. Chin

Curtis S. Chin

Former U.S. Ambassador to Asian Development Bank

Curtis S. Chin, a former U.S. Ambassador to the Asian Development Bank, is managing director of advisory firm RiverPeak Group, LLC. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Milken Institute. Follow him on Twitter at @CurtisSChin.
  • Dec 15, 2016

    In both the United States and China, leaders in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors must embrace a policy approach that speeds a more effective response to both infectious and lifestyle diseases. Doing so will smooth continued growth and prosperity, and help pave the way for a healthier and wealthier world.

  • Nov 07, 2016

    Today, from American voters in an ugly U.S. election season to the rhetoric of newly elected Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, we are hearing widespread anger against the governing structures of our time, against inequality and elitism. This sense of disempowerment is real and understandable. But is globalization really the root of this? Our challenge, as individuals in this era of discontent, is to ensure that we can still come together to move forward and improve the lives of all.

  • Oct 31, 2016

    Curtis S. Chin and Jose B. Collazo detail the challenge of stolen art and artifacts from Asian countries, outlining the ways the U.S. and China can cooperate to prevent illicit trade and promote the return of stolen antiquities. They emphasize educating the public on the importance of protecting Asia’s culture and history, strengthening and enforcing government laws on the issue, and calling upon the region’s museums, private galleries, and art dealers to help prevent illicit trade through cooperative transnational enforcement, and new technology to track an artifact’s provenance. The importance of tracking the art trade is made particularly important as private wealth has increased. Along with growing interest in collecting have come renewed concerns over connections to “blood antiquities” and illicit trade.

  • Apr 14, 2016

    In a potentially ominous new development for businesses in Hong Kong, new worries and ensuing protests have arisen over whether China’s treatment of dissent has now extended beyond its borders. Curtis S. China argues that leaders should recognize that transparent rule of law will be essential for business confidence and economic growth in the long run.

  • Feb 07, 2016

    As large parts of Asia celebrate the arrival of the Lunar New Year on February 8th, it’s in with the Year of the Monkey. But before the Year of the Sheep fully recedes into memory, we take our annual look back at the people and events that made headlines across Asia—for good and for bad.

  • Jan 07, 2016

    A “two-child policy” like the “one-child policy” of population controls remains a powerful symbol of China’s efforts to control its people. As China has found with its stock exchanges, human behavior – like market forces – cannot be fully controlled or predicted, even by the most powerful bureaucrats of Beijing.

  • Dec 18, 2015

    Economic development and consumer demand threaten a growing number of wildlife species. With China typically cited as the No. 1 consumer of ivory and other wildlife products, the government's actions and a consumer culture change will be critical to conserving the world's wildlife.

  • Nov 13, 2015

    Should China finally move to better police both the makers and the distributors of counterfeit and shoddy products, the nation’s leaders could also take a page from California’s experiences and do more to seek to spur innovation, rather than imitation.

  • Sep 23, 2015

    President Xi's impending visit to the U.S. brings to the light the current state of the Sino-U.S. relationship in all its uncertainty. Strong communication between President Obama and President Xi will be key for cooperation.

  • Aug 12, 2015

    The tremendous volatility of China’s markets has led to direct and indirect government involvement, which is ultimately a short-term fix. Beijing must re-commit to the opening of its financial markets and to a deepening of capital market reforms.

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