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Commentaries by Curtis S. Chin

Curtis S. Chin

Former U.S. Ambassador to Asian Development Bank

Curtis S. Chin, a former U.S. Ambassador to the Asian Development Bank, is managing director of advisory firm RiverPeak Group, LLC. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Milken Institute. Follow him on Twitter at @CurtisSChin.
  • May 02, 2018

    The development and application of innovative new financial technology, or “fintech,” is upending traditional ways of banking and financing, and beginning to transform how businesses, industries and individuals interact. But beyond the multi-million-dollar headline-grabbing investments and acquisitions, what does fintech actually mean for the people of China and the United States?

  • Mar 28, 2018

    Forty years into a reform and opening process that helped unleash the power and potential of the Chinese people and that is most associated with Deng Xiaoping, the recent actions of the National People's Congress to abolish presidential term limits and adopt a "revolutionary" (in the words of Liu He, Xi’s key economic advisor and Politburo member) government restructuring plan suggests that China under Xi Jinping will be more about "consolidation, centralization and closing down" than about reforms and opening up -- consolidation of Communist Party authority under the centralized rule of a strongman leader and the closing down of perceived threats to such rule, whether from home or abroad.

  • Sep 08, 2017

    Garnering much less attention from the ASEAN summit was the single paragraph that “noted Timor-Leste’s application for ASEAN membership and looked forward to the continued discussion” about reports and capacity building regarding that small Southeast Asian island nation’s longstanding efforts to join the regional bloc. This newest of Asian nations – having regained independence from Indonesia in 2002 – deserves ASEAN, U.S. and Chinese investment and support for its efforts to further integrate and engage with the wider region.

  • Aug 01, 2017

    Enduring wage disparities and outdated and imbalanced tax structures are seen as contributors to growing inequality, where neither the U.S. nor China are immune. Business, government and civil society leaders must come together to ensure the quality of education is improved to meet the demands of a technology-driven knowledge economy.

  • Jul 21, 2017

    As Thailand and much of Asia welcomes more and more visitors from China, the region’s leaders and policymakers must take steps toward a more sustainable tourism industry and accelerate supporting infrastructure. Ensuring tourism is a sustainable driver of economic growth will require much more than sustained support for even the best marketing campaigns.

  • May 04, 2017

    This past month, Nepal marked two important occasions – one a tragedy, the other a growing friendship with China that may well bring new challenges of its own as this poor, land-locked nation finds its way forward amidst the geopolitics of the region.

  • Apr 05, 2017

    Much attention is understandably given to multilateral meetings and bilateral summits, as in the Xi-Trump Summit at Mar-a-Lago. Even more important in our increasingly urbanized world will be to continue to look at and learn from what is happening on the ground in cities and surrounding areas even after the summiteers have left.

  • Mar 27, 2017

    Cities in China and across Asia are growing outwards and upwards at breakneck speed. Livable, dynamic and vibrant cities are greater testament to a country’s prosperity and policy successes than any number of skyscrapers, no matter how big or how tall. As cities in America and China build higher, it is what is sustained below that will matter most.

  • Feb 08, 2017

    As the consequences of the still evolving temporary travel ban to the United States put in place by the Administration of U.S. President Donald Trump continue to play out, policy makers need to keep in mind that understanding begins with engagement.

  • Jan 23, 2017

    Enter the Rooster, exit the Monkey. As 2017 begins, Curtis S. Chin and Jose B. Collazo take look at who’s in, and who’s out in Asia—from an outgoing U.S. president and a pivot and partnership that were not to be to a tough-talking leader.

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