Yu Xiang
Senior Fellow, China Construction Bank Research Institute
Aug 30, 2017
President Donald Trump has ordered an investigation into China’s commercial practices. This could provoke a trade war that will benefit neither side. Economic realities should prompt the US to play a more circumspect game.
Aug 22, 2017
America isn’t on track to becoming “great again.” Here’s why, and what can be done about it.
Aug 04, 2017
Recently, the Trump administration continuously sends out signals that it is considering to make a final decision on the Section 232 investigations into steel, claiming some steel imports are threatening the US national security and hinting to impose barriers to limit steel import, and that the final and exact tariffs or quotas will depend on negotiation results with related countries.
Jun 07, 2017
As the president pushes the private sector to assume more of the federal government’s role in environmental protection, developing standards and related technology updating could mean new cooperation areas for business and local governments in China and the US. Green-friendly China could also become a haven for like-minded entrepreneurs in the US.
Jun 02, 2017
The president’s overly rosy forecasts and tensions with Congress over alleged Russian meddling in last year’s US election mean a bumpy road ahead for his budget legislation. What Trump finally gets will probably a dramatically modified budget plan or an interim short-term deal that limits his administrative space.
Apr 27, 2017
Trump’s election campaign promises and and the executive orders the new president signed after he came into the White House reveal a narrow-minded, conservative and selfish United States. It’s a startling reversal of the country’s outlook for six decades, and completely outdated.
Mar 06, 2017
Labeling China as a currency manipulator is demonstrably baseless, but amid loose talk and wild speculation on this and other issues, a formal summit between U.S. President Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping is both important and urgent.
Jan 16, 2017
The president-elect may be challenged more by his own Congress than by Beijing in his eagerness to confront China with the potential of a trade war. In reality, both countries benefit when they view the other in a positive light as an economic partner.
Oct 04, 2016
Claims that the recovery is an illusion are demonstrably false, but there are pitfalls ahead that the new president and Congress must recognize, including a decline in productivity, the unconventional monetary policy and political paralysis in Washington.
Aug 15, 2016
The economic relationship should have evolved with China and U.S. economies’ “New Normal”, but a variety of fears are in the way. The U.S. would like to decrease its reliance on consumption as the engine of growth, relying more on domestic investment and exports. China seeks more consumer spending, and less reliance on domestic investment and exports. Those goals are highly complementary and mutually reinforcing, creating opportunities that should not be missed.