David Shambaugh
Gaston Sigur Professor and Director of China Policy Program at George Washington University, Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Hoover Institution of Stanford University
Feb 18, 2021
While some anticipated a “reset” of U.S.-China relations with the new Biden administration, this does not seem to be the case. Early signs reveal considerable continuity with the previous Trump administration, although some changes in tactics can be anticipated.
Nov 13, 2020
With the new Biden administration preparing for transition, observers on both sides of the Pacific contemplating what the future will hold for US-China relations. Although there will likely be some adjustments by the new administration, significant substantive changes are not anticipated.
Sep 16, 2020
As the last stretch of the 2020 presidential election unfolds, how each candidate approaches the China issue remains key to securing the presidency.
Jul 31, 2020
The last three months has seen a number of major policy statements by top Trump Administration officials. If there was any question that the Trump administration seeks a new Cold War confrontation with China, these documents and speeches provide the answer.
Jul 02, 2020
The United States and China may now be in Cold War 2.0, but the first Cold War has a number of useful lessons that must be heeded in order to avoid Sino-American relations spiraling out of control.
May 17, 2020
The pandemic has brought out the worst in U.S.-China relations, causing deep rifts and a public blame-game. Just as with other problematic times in this bilateral relationship, it will take time to recover. Stabilization is paramount.
Mar 29, 2020
The coronavirus has only deepened U.S.-China competition and could weaken America’s global standing if Washington continues to stubbornly adhere to “America first” and forgo its long-standing international leadership.
Jan 01, 2020
The relationship between the US and China experienced a brief respite following another bruising year of mutual disputes and recriminations. Many analysts anticipate more gyrations and acrimony in 2020.
Dec 06, 2019
As U.S.-China trade tensions mount, “decoupling” must be understood broadly. It occurs in many areas, at different speeds and with unique consequences.
Jun 26, 2019
Just as U.S.-China competition will be a longstanding feature in international relations over the coming decade(s), a China-Russia axis to counter the United States will remain a core feature of global geopolitics.