Banning Garrett, Director of Asia Program, Atlantic Council
Jan 20, 2012
The global issues plaguing the 21st century cannot be resolved effectively without greater cooperation from China and the US, says Banning Garrett of the Atlantic Council.
James Curran, Professor & Historian, Sydney University
Jan 11, 2012
Amidst all the symbolic gestures of President Obama’s recent visit to Australia, perhaps none was more powerful than his remarks to US and Australian service m
Sun Zhenyu, Chairman, China Society for World Trade Organization Studies
Jan 06, 2012
Don't blame emerging economies for the impasse. The US hasn't got what it wants from the Doha Round simply because they haven't contributed enough, says Sun Zhenyu, China's Ambassador to the WTO.
Steve Clemons, Washington Editor at large, The Atlantic
Jan 05, 2012
A senior White House official has confirmed that Vice President Joe Biden will take the lead on the administration's next phase China policy. While the Depa
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Dec 21, 2011
As the European Union grapples with economic crisis, Brussels cast its eyes eastward for help. Would the People’s Republic of China be so kind as to bail out
George Koo, Retired International Business Consultant and Contributor to Asia Times
Dec 20, 2011
2011 witnessed the collapse of long-standing regimes in the Arab world and the near-collapse of the Euro, and proved to be a wild, rollercoaster ride for actors
Rory Medcalf, Director, Lowy Institute, Sydney
Dec 16, 2011
President Barack Obama’s November 2011 visit to Australia is widely being described as major marker of Washington’s new strategic direction in a changing Indo
Xu Shiquan, Vice Chairman, National Society of Taiwan Studies, SIIS
Dec 16, 2011
The “long and often discordant ” polemics over the strategic value of Taiwan in America’ foreign and security policy has heated up again in recent months aga
Liu Zhongmin, Director, Shanghai Int'l Studies University
Dec 01, 2011
The strategic competition between China and the United States has intensified in recent years. The Middle East (including Western Asia and North Africa), by contrast, is neither an area of deep contention between Washington and Beijing, nor an area that China exercises its strategic influence adequately.
Henry Tang, Director, Carnegie Towers Strategic Investment Advisory
Dec 01, 2011
Henry Tang, Managing Director of Carnegie Towers Strategic Investment Advisory and Governor of Committee of 100, talks about expansionism, security and the importance of 'new paradigm thinking' in the China-US partnership