Warwick Powell
Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology, Senior Fellow at Beijing Taihe Institute
Feb 13, 2025
In a social media post on January 30, 2025, US President Donald Trump threatened 100% tariffs on BRICs countries unless they committed to “neither create
Jan 07, 2025
The incoming U.S. president must move quickly to avoid being ensnared in the Ukraine debacle, with Russia winning the ground war. For Trump to get a prompt, positive reaction from Vladimir Putin, he needs to throw Europe under the bus and move on. Otherwise, the ultimate defeat won’t just be NATO’s. It will also be Trump’s.
Dec 24, 2024
America’s best-laid plans to change China have clearly failed over the decades. The question now is whether Donald Trump can rise above that history and meet China on its own terms. If not, the incoming occupant of the White House will sadly preside another failed episode of fruitless U.S. ambitions to conquer China.
Nov 29, 2024
Alternative pathways to development are possible, as demonstrated by China. Global institutions are in need of an overhaul. But time waits for no one, and new institutions are being forged.
Nov 22, 2024
The new Japanese prime minister wants to reassert Japan’s standing as a regional power, which will challenge the expectations of Washington elites and further rattle a region that is seeking to skirt the dynamics of great power competition.
Oct 04, 2024
By insisting on protocols that enable cross-national interoperability in a world that lacks trust, the concept aims to break the grip of a handful of American tech giants while offering a chance for open-source systems to reestablish the sovereignty of all.
Aug 09, 2024
American trade policy is no substitute for domestic structural rebalancing. Imbalances are driving foreign policies and trade policies that appeal during electoral cycles but which mask the root causes of American malaise and its spillover effects on global stability and prosperity.
Jun 05, 2024
A positive peace is needed, one that weaves prosperity and security together for all. The DPRK’s economic connection to the world via Russia is a potential game changer that could reframe possibilities for the Korean Peninsula, and with it impact the dynamics of the North Asia region. Regional leaders should take up the challenge.
May 17, 2024
President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Paris, Belgrade and Budapest illuminated the plight of the European project and exposed the weakness of the call by Josep Borrell, high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, for the EU to be treated as a geopolitical power in its own right.
Apr 25, 2024
The United States has intensified its efforts to assert or reclaim American Primacy in Asia. Assert if one holds the view that it still holds military preponderance; reclaim if one believes that it doesn’t. Through a series of so-called mini-lateral arrangements, the US has in recent years sought to enlist its Asia Pacific client states, former colonies and subimperial allies to anchor a 21st Century bulwark on the western edge of America’s Lake. The Quad, AUKUS and now the trilateral involving Japan and the Philippines form part of a lattice-like network, in all practical intents and purposes, aimed squarely at the containment of China.