Sajjad Ashraf, Former Adjunct Professor, National University of Singapore
Mar 15, 2022
America finally issued a broad statement on its Indo-Pacific strategy, predictably addressing concerns about China’s influence and spelling out its intention to play into its allies' favor. Meanwhile, ASEAN must respond to the latest development to retain their own autonomy and stability in what many are sure to see as rising tensions.
Chen Jimin, Guest Researcher, Center for Peace and Development Studies, China Association for International Friendly Contact
Mar 14, 2022
The Biden administration recognizes the importance of sustained engagement in the region, but it can’t ignore Washington’s other interests around the world. Thus, the prospects for America’s Indo-Pacific Strategy are uncertain.
Sun Chenghao, Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University; Visiting Scholar, Paul Tsai China Center of Yale Law School
Mar 10, 2022
Some believe the U.S. has the ability to take on a two-ocean strategy — the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific — but China-Russia issues loom large. They will guide the approach to China by the West.
Da Mei, An international affairs observer based in Beijing
Feb 26, 2022
In the age of globalization, foreign policy sways our daily life more than people could imagine. A trade war leads to soaring price of consumer goods, which means you have to pay more for groceries, and sanctions on solar panels could mean more greenhouse gas emission, which creates greater peril of climate change. Disturbingly, Washington’s current China policy, a policy that could mean the difference between war and peace, prosperity and destitution, is based on some seriously misleading claims.
Zhao Minghao, Professor, Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, and China Forum Expert
Feb 26, 2022
There is no need for China to overreact to the latest strategy report, but it needs to be prepared for pressure from the United States, which will likely focus on the Indo-Pacific region for decades to come.
Leonardo Dinic, Advisor to the CroAsia Institute
Feb 25, 2022
The strategic benefit for China and Russia to maintain good relations has never been more apparent. A successful Sino-Russian foreign policy push in Ukraine and Taiwan would certainly shock the U.S. and Europe.
Zhang Zhaoxi, Assistant Research Professor, Institute of American Studies, CICIR
Jan 24, 2022
Repairing and protecting American hegemony is a central theme for the White House and Congress. To accomplish these goals they need to create the specter of an enemy at the gates, to imagine an adversary that poses an existential threat.
Andrew Sheng, Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong
Xiao Geng, Director of Institute of Policy and Practice at Shenzhen Finance Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 07, 2022
The year 2022 will mark 50 years since US President Richard Nixon traveled to China to meet with Communist Party of China Chairman Mao Zedong and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai – a major step toward restoring relations after decades of estrangement and hostility. A half-century later, the progress they launched has been all but lost, and US President Joe Biden is partly to blame.
Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China’s Mission to the UN Office in Geneva
Nov 11, 2021
Oddly, President Biden has claimed on several occasions that he hoped competition with China would not veer into conflict. But Washington-style competition means a race to the bottom — and possible peril.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Sep 20, 2021
While tough-talk on both sides of the U.S.-China relationship has come to dominate reports on the topic - precedent shows that quiet accommodation behind the scenes may parallel the new administration’s anti-China rhetoric.